Thursday, August 26, 2010

phrase of the day:

"If you are not important to me, why do I bother??!"

it's great to have someone there for you always...

and every argument, every fight do leave a scare... bond us together even tighter...and I'm glad to have him..=)

The one,
who put me as his priority...
The one,
who listen and remember every single thing i said..
The one, 
who is there for me no matter how tired he is...
The one,
who has expectation on me, jz because he care..
The one,
who really scold when I did things wrong..
The one,
who was hurt by me whenever I din keep my promise..
The one,
who keep giving me chances, waiting for me to be more mature...
The one,
who loves me more than himself...
The one,
My One and Only One...

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